Not an article, just some reflections on this idea…

You know what is a functor?

  • 2 categories C & D, simplifying a category as:

    • a set of objects with some arrows/morphisms/functions between objects: f: x -> y
    • those morphisms are associative h . (g . f) = (h . g) .f where . is the composition (g . f)(x) = g(f(x)))
    • for each object there is an identity morphism id(x) = x -> x
  • a functor F associates :

    • each object x of C with an object of F(x) of D.
    • each morphism f: x -> y of C with an element F(f): F(x) -> F(y) of D such that:
      • F(id(x)) = id(F(x))
      • F(g . f) = F(g) . F(f)

A Functor is a mapping (an homomorphism) between categories that conserves the structure of the category (the morphisms, the relation between objects) whatever the kind of objects those categories contain.

In scalaz, here is the definition of a Functor:

trait Functor[F[_]] {

  /** Lift `f` into `F` and apply to `F[A]`. */
  def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]

You can see the famous map function that you can find in many structures in Scala : List[_], Option[_], Map[_, _], Future[_], etc…

Why? Because all these structures are Functors between the categories of Scala types…

Math is everywhere in programming & programming is Math so don’t try to avoid it ;)

So you can write a Functor[List] or Functor[Option] as those structures are monoids.

Now let’s consider HList the heterogenous List provided by Miles Sabin’s fantastic Shapeless. HList looks like a nice Functor.

(1 :: true :: HNil) map (
   (i:Int)     => i.toString ,
   (b:Boolean) => b.toString)
) => ("1" :: "true" :: HNil)

Ok, it’s a bit more complex as this functor requires not one function but several for each element type constituting the HList, a kind of polymorphic function. Hopefully, Shapeless provides exactly a structure to represent this: Poly

What about writing a functor for HList?

Scalaz Functor isn’t very helpful (ok I just copy the HMonoid text & tweak it ;)):

To be able to write a Functor of HList, we need something else based on multiple different types…

I spent a few hours having fun on this idea with Shapeless and tried to implement a Functor for heterogenous structures like HList, Sized and even not heterogenous structures.

Here are the working samples.

Here is the code based on pseudo-dependent types as shapeless.

The signature of the HFunctor as a map function as expected:

trait HFunctor[HA, F <: Poly] {
    type Real

    trait HMapper[P <: Poly, In] extends DepFn1[In] { type Out }

    val hmapper: HMapper[F, HA]

    def map(ha: HA)(f: F): hmapper.Out = hmapper(ha)

This is just a sandbox to open discussion on this idea so I won’t explain more and let the curious ones think about it…

Have F(un)!